102 Marathons in 102 days - Jacky Hunt-Broersma
Jan 17, 2022
Gilbert, Arizona, USA
Apr 27, 2022
Gilbert, Arizona, USA
“So, I’m doing something really crazy again. I’m going to attempt to run a marathon everyday for a 102 days, which will be a total of 2675 miles, starting January 17th and ending April 27, 2022. The current record is 100 days. I’m hoping this will inspire others to get out of their comfort zones and try something new and truly see what you are capable of. You always got more to give. It doesn’t have to be as crazy, it just needs to push you a little out of your comfort zone. Maybe run your first 5km, half/full...
Run across Africa - Steven Crompton
Jan 17, 2020
Mar 19, 2020
After spending 3 months volunteering in Uganda Steve witnessed levels of child poverty. The sight of children dying at the side of the road and not being able to help was devastating. One day at a project called Amari Uganda changed his life forever. Steve prepared to run 4000km across Africa in January 2020 to raise money for homeless children. Donations would build Amari Uganda a long term home with enough land to farm food for the children. Founders Martin and JB, ex Homeless children themselves, are now both adults fighting to save the lives of children off the streets....
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