Kenyan Rift Valley

giraffe-kimbia kenya

The Great Rift Valley is a series of connected rift valleys, linear shaped lowlands between several highlands or mountain ranges created by the action of a geologic rift. Rifts are formed as a result of the pulling apart of the lithosphere due to extensional tectonics. The linear depression may subsequently be further deepened by the forces of erosion.

The system of rift valleys that characterizes the African continent gives many insights in the evolution of mankind because of important paleoanthropological discoveries that have bene done in Ethiopia, Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda and Zaire. It is 30 million years old and exhibits extensive volcanism, that produced Mount Kilimanjaro and Mount Kenya and numerous boiling hot springs.

It is home to many Olympic Kenyan runners who are part of the world known Kalenjin tribe.

The Kenya Lake System in the Great Rift Valley consists of the three inter-linked relatively shallow lakes Lake Bogoria, Lake Nakuru and Lake Elementaita.
In this area of 32,034 hectares live 13 globally threatened bird species and some of the highest bird diversities in the world. It is the single most important foraging site for the lesser flamingo anywhere, and a major nesting and breeding ground for great white pelicans.
And the black rhino, Rothschild's giraffe, greater kudu, lion, cheetah and wild dogs are also part of the ecology.


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