Bataan Death March 102K Ultra 

Tularosa Basin
Jovenal Narcise
March 20, 2022
Tularosa Basin, USA
March 27, 2022
Tularosa Basin, USA

The Bataan Memorial Death March is a challenging march through the high desert terrain of the White Sands Missile Range, a military testing area operated by the United States Army. The memorial march is conducted in honor of the heroic service members who defended the Philippine Islands during World War II, sacrificing their freedom, health, and, in many cases, their very lives.

Marchers participate in the Bataan Memorial Death March for many reasons: personal challenge, the spirit of competition, or to foster esprit de corps in their unit. Some march in honor of a family member or a particular veteran who was in the Bataan Death March or who was taken as a prisoner of war by the Japanese in the Philippines.

The 2022 Bataan Memorial Death March will be held live in person March 20th & will also have a virtual option March 20th -27th.
You can choose between the full march (26.2 miles) or the honorary march (14.2 miles).

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