Running out of time – Climate Relay 

Running Out Of Time_Day 1_Ben Nevis_Credit_Mike Brogden_7
June 9, 2024
Ben Nevis, UK
July 10, 2024
London, UK

Running Out of Time will be the biggest sporting celebration of climate action and nature ever attempted across Britain. Taking place between June 10th and July 11th, thousands of runners, walkers, wheelers and cyclists will relay the baton 1,653 miles/2,661km from Ben Nevis to Big Ben; inspiring the nation to take collective action NOW to reach net zero!

What do we do when we’re running out of time? We get moving!
We are calling on everyone – from national government to local government; from individuals to communities; from schools to businesses – to work together to protect our world now and for future generations.

The relay will travel through 50 cities & towns and a range of National Parks and Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty and will feature visits to historic landmarks, stunning natural sites, schools, universities, community projects, cutting edge technology, sporting venues and a host of different and crazy ways to move the baton!

Dates to be confirmed

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Get listed for the Global Running Adventures Award

Are you an adventure seeking runner who has completed a self made project or is eager to start one?

Submit this 3-minute application to qualify for a FREE profile page, including your bio, achievements, past/upcoming adventure, story and cause.

Wanna give people an opportunity to participate in your exciting running project or expedition-like adventure?
Here's your chance to share it with the world for free!

You qualify for the FREE Profile Page if you meet the following criteria:

  • you have a self supported running project completed, in the making or are planning to start one
  • your project will support a good cause that relates to you personally
  • you need media, sponsors and a network to get all the possible support to succeed
  • you're enthusiastic and motivated to realize your goals! 

Just a few questions to get a better picture;-)
I'll read and respond to each and every application, and I'll get back to you within a few days.

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Who do you want to nominate? *
please fill in their name
What is the email of the person you nominate? *
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if you nominate someone else fill in for him/her
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Adventure start date *
you can change it later if you're not sure yet
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Name of adventure *
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Adventure description *
give a short description of your adventure idea
Where did/will the adventure take place *
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Link to adventure resources
you can fill in your website or any other resource
Why (did) you want to do this? *
give a short description of the reason for your adventure
Link to cause
you can fill in a website of a charity or any other resource
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Are you interested in any of these forms of partnership? *
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Do you know anyone who might be interested in partnering?
Please fill in their name and email.
When someone applies you both get a free Award event ticket:-)
Anything else you like to share?
here you can share/ask additional info about the application