Trail Running Retreat – Max King 

mt-shasta-California USA
Max King
September 16, 2021
Mt Shasta City, CA, USA
September 19, 2021

Mt Shasta sits in a corner of California that is still wild, without many people, and rugged at heart. The forests and mountains in the region are full of rarely traveled trails that we want to give you a chance to explore. We’ll pack the week full of trail running, adventure, s’mores, wilderness training, trail maintenance, map and compass skills, and a ton of fun.
You’ll explore miles of the best trails.

A trail running retreat experience for ages 18+ designed to bring complete awareness to your time in the wilderness. Learn the in’s and out’s of trail running, how to stay safe deep in the mountains, and find that deeper connection to the world around you. Trail running technique, the importance of forest stewardship, healthy nutrition on and off the run, trail maintenance training and impact, trail etiquette, map reading and navigation skills will all be taught, providing the foundation for this impactful, awe-inspiring week.

Food and Meals – All meals will be prepared in house and made from scratch by our wonderful chef Melanie. Meals are an amazing variety of fresh vegetables, meats, and dishes that all runners crave after a depleting day in the mountains. She is very flexible and willing to work with anyone with food allergies or dietary restrictions of (almost) any kind.

Run nutrition will be taken care of by GU. The premier choice for endurance athletes worldwide.

Camp Amenities –  We have upped our game this year and while we want you to immerse yourself in the wilderness while at camp, this is decidedly not a rustic lodge in the woods. We will be staying in a beautiful house tucked in among the forest near Mt Shasta. You’ll be sharing a room with 1-3 fellow campers.  We will ask that you minimize your wifi connection during the week as well. We hope this will provide you with a relaxing and distraction free week. We feel this brings a more authentic experience to a few days spent out in the woods.

The Daily Schedule – Just getting runs on beautiful trails every day is the easy part and you could do that anywhere, anytime. We want you to get something out of this camp you can take home and put to good use in your own running, that’s why we’ll be teaching technical running form, downhill trail running, nutrition guidelines, trail building skills, how to put together a trail training plan, trail etiquette, and more.

How To Prepare – We want you to enjoy your time at camp and one of the ways to do that is to come in fit, healthy, and rested. While this is a camp for all abilities, there are some strenuous activities that will test your limits no matter who you are. Campers should be comfortable running for several hours at a time and be prepared for the variety of terrain, temperatures, grades and altitudes. You do not need to be an advanced competitive level runner to attend camp but, the stronger you come in, the more fun you’ll have.

What To Bring – Your packing list should include the basics without much fluff. In other words, you won’t need the kitchen sink.

Image by Ehren Beckwith

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