Westerbork-Stein Memorial UltraRun
After Utah Beach-Stein (668 km), Bergen-Belsen-Stein (416 km) and Bastogne-Stein (170 km), the Ultraloop Stein Foundation will once again organize a non-stop relay on May 4 and 5, 2024. This in memory of 80 years Remembrance Day. This is a 296 km long non-stop relay run from Westerbork to Stein.
The liberation flame is also received in Wageningen. The relay is carried out in collaboration with the Municipality of Stein and SG Groenewald. A poetry competition has been organized for the students of SG Groenewald, the winner will also visit the Westerbork concentration camp.Upon arrival in the Municipality of Stein, the relay runners and students of SG Groenewald will be accompanied by WW2 military vehicles (Spearhead, 2AD, Supersixth and Rene Driessen and friends) and the last 700 meters musically by the Coriovallum Pipe Band.
At 3.30 pm there will be a commemoration for the veterans near Brasserie Steinerbos Stein with: presentation of the winner of the SG Groenewald poetry competition, speech by the children’s mayor and the mayor of the Municipality of Stein, Mrs. Marion Leurs-Mordang. The commemoration will end with a performance by the band ‘WansAgaen’.