
The 4 Deserts endurance footrace series covers the Atacama Crossing in Chile, the Gobi March in China, the Sahara Race in Egypt and The Last Desert in Antarctica. Each desert is unique, varying from extreme hot to ultra cold. The 7 day races of max 250 km are self-supported, apart from provided water and a tent for night rest.
The ultimate challenge to test and go beyond physical and mental limits.
The 5 Continents Grand Slam includes 5 100 miles (116 km) races in Sweden (TEC), Chile (Atacama Xtreme), South Africa (Washi) Australia (GNW 100) and Israel (Sovek Emek), with trails that cross through a variety of terrains and climates, like rainy forests, hot deserts and cool mountains.
Participants who want to complete all 5 races have 3 years to become a 5 Continents Grand Slam 100 miles FINISHER.
Those that want the same event with less distance can join the Slam with the same races but in 80 and 100 kilometers.
The 4 adventurous races in the Beyond the Ultimate series are the Jungle Ultra in Peru, the Mountain Ultra in Nepal, the Desert Ultra in Namibia and the Ice Ultra in Arctic Sweden. Whether you are in it to win or finish, these footraces, varying between 220 and 250 km, will test you in ways you never thought possible. Expect the unexpected.
The Hall of Fame is for the crazy few who finish all 4 races within 12 months.
The Earthathon Relay is a 25,000-mile running relay which is being run virtually all around the earth by 10 teams. Each team will cover 25.000 miles in total. The second relay started in 2015. Everyone can join the relay.
Skyrunner World Series counts 23 races in 10 countries and contain Vertical, Sky, Ultra and Extreme formats.
Although people have been trying to conquer mountains for ages while hunting, fighting or smuggling, mountain running as a sport just came up in the nineties.
In 1987, Sri Chinmoy founded the Sri Chinmoy Oneness-Home Peace Run.
It is a torch relay that travels throughout the length and breadth of the world promoting the simple message that there is infinitely more that unites us as human beings than divides us. A key feature of the Run is the idea that it is individuals who, through changes in their own lives, can make positive change in the world a reality. Since 2004, the Run has also been known as the World Harmony Run.
Relay teams in each participating country are made up of runners from all walks of life, who have dedicated their time and energy to bring the Run to communities around the globe. Coordinators in each country partner locally with schools, community groups, sporting organizations, city and state government departments to bring the run to the community as a service encouraging international friendship and understanding.
Every year, the Peace Run makes its way through the 5 main continents of America, Europe, Asia, Africa and Australasia. Members of the Sri Chinmoy Centre assist with the planning of the run, but it is truly a grassroots project, with many people from local communities coming forward to help, inspired by the simplicity of the Run’s message.
#3100MileSelfTranscendenceRace #SriChinmoy #PeaceRun
The 21 Ultra-Trail World Tour races illustrate the diversity of trail running on six continents, with a variety of terrain, like steep paths in the Alps, beaches in Hong Kong and desert in Morocco. Every race in the Ultra-Trail World Tour (UTWT) is unique but common shared values are ethics, equality in sports, self-respect, respect for others, and for the environment.
All included races are international events with a course distance of at least 100km and a popularity of 500 runners or more.
Taking part in the Ultra-Trail World Tour gives you the opportunity to discover all kinds of cultures and build friendships all over the world. And for elite runners it is also a great international competitive circuit.
With 35 Wings for Life World Run locations around the world, you have a great choice of where to run for those who can’t. On 1 day all participants around the world run the same race, whether it’s day or night, hot or cold, in a team or individual.
You can choose your favorite conditions, visit friends and family, go somewhere you’ve always wanted to visit, near or far. 100% of the entry fee goes to spinal cord research. The Wings For Life World Run is yearly held in May.
Donovan introduced the World Marathon Challenge in 2015; 9 men and 1 woman took the challenge to run 7 Marathons on 7 continents within 7 days. They all finished within the max of 8 hours per race, but Donovan still holds the World Record of 4 days, 22 hours and 3 minutes.
Each year in January this challenge of a lifetime starts in Antarctica. After completing their first Marathon on the ‘Frozen Continent’, 4 women and 11 men will run standard 42.2km (26.2 miles) Marathon distances in Punta Arenas (Chile), Miami (USA), Madrid (Spain), Marrakech (Morocco), Dubai (United Arab Emirates) and Sydney (Australia).
The fastest male and female runner win the World Record of Book of Alternative Records.
The World Marathon Majors is an annual series of six of the largest and most renowned Marathons in the world: the Tokyo Marathon, Boston Marathon, London Marathon, Berlin Marathon, Chicago Marathon and New York City Marathon.
The XTERRA World Tour gives athletes around the world a chance to race in off-road triathlons and trail runs in some of the most diverse, spectacular, and challenging natural environments on the planet – from tropical jungles to snow-covered alps. Pro athletes compete for pro prize monies, while amateurs race for national titles and qualification slots into the yearly World Championship in Maui, Hawaii in October.